Nov 21 2021
Open Letter to the Parliament of the Republic of Romania (Belgrad, 21.11.2021)

Ladies and gentlemen, Members of Parliament,
We are sending this letter on behalf of the Aromanian societies from Serbia: the Serbian-Cincar Society “Lunjina” (founded thirty years ago), the Center for Language and Culture of the Aromanian at the Balkans “Moskopolje” and the Armãnescu PEN Center, founded this year as a result of the need to better connect our writers, scattered all over the world.
We learned about the initiative of MP George Siscu PLX 427/2021, which he submitted to the Romanian Parliament to recognize May 23 as Day of Aromanian Community in Romania, in the same way as this day is recognized in the Republic of Northern Macedonia.
We look forward to this initiative published in the highest institution of a democratic country, a respected member of the European Union, and we hope that our compatriots, Aromanian from Romania, will be able to legally celebrate this important date for all Aromanian, wherever they live.
It is a well-known fact that the Aromanian – anywhere in the Balkans – in the past, as well as today, have made a great contribution to the development of the countries in which they live.
The recognition of Aromanian Day, May 23, would be a symbolic sign of civilization and prosperity from an European country side. Thus, the size and degree of democratization of the Romanian state would be measured also by the degree of empathy towards the Armãn community.
We strongly believe that the Parliament will adopt this initiative.
We, the Aromanian from Serbia, a very friendly country to Romania, are also looking forward to that.
Yours faithfully,
Serbian-Cincar Society “Lunjina”, Dimitrije Nikolajević (Dimitri Grebeniti); Center for Armãn Language and Culture in Balkans “Moskopolje”, Lila Cona; Armãn PEN Center, Dušan Gojkov
Отворено Писмо Парламенту Републике Румуније
Поштована Господо, чланови Парламента,
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