Jan 27

MANDRA- Organization of Vlach Businessmen from Macedonia

Catégorie : admin @ 9:18 pm

Dear Sirs,

We are glad to inform you that Mandra is organizing the Fourth Business Forum on the 17th June, 2006 in Aleksandar Palace Hotel, Skopje. Please find below the program with the timetable for that day:
11a.m.-13 p.m. Round table – discussion regarding possibilities for doing business and conditions for investing in Macedonia. Representatives from all the companies are welcomed;
13 p.m.-15 p.m. Presentation of companies from different countries followed by a cocktail; Companies interested in being presented at the forum should send their very short biography to Mandra via email or fax not later than 05 June.
20 p.m.-24 p.m. Gala Vlach evening at Aleksandar Palace Hotel with artists from Greece, Romania, Albania and Macedonia performing Vlach songs (dinner ticket 15 EUR/person (900den)). The costs for the artists will be supported by companies from the respective countries.
The organizer of the Forum books rooms at the following hotels in Skopje
– Belvue Hotel (bed and breakfast 16 EUR/person).
– Aleksandar Palace Hotel (single room 90EUR; double room 130 EUR).
If you are interested in making a reservation in one of these hotels, please contact Mandra at the numbers listed below not later than 10 June.
We are looking gladly at seeing you at the Forum.
Best regards,
Nikola Kostov Dzoga

Tel/Fax: +389 2 2451 655; 389 2 2448 282
Mob: +389 75 235 388 Nikola Kostov Dzoga
Mob: +389 70 970 269 Gorgi Gorgiev Dzujapi Email: mandramk@yahoo.com

Mai 30th 2006 – Skopje

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