Sep 17

(a) Aromanian PEN, whose aims are defined by Charter of PEN International, was founded in 2021. It is established under Serbian law and headquartered in Belgrade in accordance with its Constitution consisting of the Charter and its Regulations and Rules of Procedure.
Based on the International PEN Resolution on the Aromanian Language Rights adopted by the International PEN Assembly at the Congress in Bogotá, Colombia, on September 17-22, 2008, adopted on the proposal of the Macedonian PEN Centre, and with the support of the Catalan, Portuguese, Slovenian, Esperanto and Swiss PEN Centres, we decided to establish the Aromanian PEN Centre (Aromanianescu PEN tsentru) in Belgrade.
Steering Committee for Aspiring Aromanian PEN Centre (Lila Cona, Dušan Gojkov, Kira Mantsu, Nicola Trifon) worked with Secretariat of PEN International and prepared the documents necessary for the establishment of the new, Arman PEN Centre in accordance with the instructions of the PEN International and the positive legal regulations valid on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
Steering Committee convened the Founding Assembly of the Arman PEN Centre in Belgrade on September 10th 2021.
We, the undersigned founders of Aromanian PEN, acknowledge International PEN Charter, which affirms that:
1. Literature knows no frontiers and must remain common currency among people in spite of political or international upheavals.
2. In all circumstances, and particularly in time of war, works of art, the patrimony of humanity at large, should be left untouched by national or political passion.
3. Members of PEN should at all times use what influence they have in favour of good understanding and mutual respect between nations and people; they pledge themselves to do their utmost to dispel all hatreds and to champion the ideal of one humanity living in peace and equality in one world.
4. PEN stands for the principle of unhampered transmission of thought within each nation and between all nations, and members pledge themselves to oppose any form of suppression of freedom of expression in the country and community to which they belong, as well as throughout the world wherever this is possible. PEN declares for a free press and opposes arbitrary censorship in time of peace. It believes that the necessary advance of the world towards a more highly organised political and economic order renders a free criticism of governments, administrations and institutions imperative. And since freedom implies voluntary restraint, members pledge themselves to oppose such evils of a free press as mendacious publication, deliberate falsehood and distortion of facts for political and personal ends.
Membership of PEN is open to all qualified writers, editors and translators who subscribe to these aims, without regard to nationality, language, ethnic origin, colour or religion.
Article 1 Aromanian PEN
(a) Aromanian PEN, whose aims are defined by Charter of PEN International, was founded in 2021. It is established under Serbian law and headquartered in Belgrade in accordance with its Constitution consisting of the Charter and its Regulations and Rules of Procedure.
(b) Aromanian PEN is an apolitical organization that undertakes to defend impartially freedom of expression and thought as specified by Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
(c) Armanian PEN shall receive the annual dues and any other contributions from its Members, subventions, gifts, legacies and interest. It may hold property and investments of any kind.
Article 2 Membership of Aromanian PEN
(a) Membership of Aromanian PEN shall be open to writers, editors and translators, qualified by reason of literary merit or body of work, who subscribe to the aims of the Charter, without regard to nationality, ethnic origin, language, colour or religion. Aromanian PEN may offer associate membership to any individual to honour a considerable personal contribution to promoting the aims of Aromanian PEN.
(b) A member of Aromanian PEN may be eligible for membership of more than one Centre subject to Article 3.
(c) Aromanian PEN Centre may at its discretion extend to any member of any other Centre the right to attend its meetings.
(d) Aromanian PEN Centre shall exclude a member if it finds his or her conduct blatantly inconsistent with the spirit of the PEN Charter.
(e) Aromanian PEN Centre shall immediately inform the International Secretariat of any member disqualified under Article 2 (d).
Article 3 Voting Rights of Members of Aromanian PEN Centre
(a) No member of Aromanian PEN Centre shall be entitled to vote in the affairs of more than one Centre.
(b) A member of Aromanian PEN Centre at the time of election to membership of a second or subsequent Centre shall choose where he will vote and so inform each Centre of which he is a member.
Article 4 Annual Dues
(a) Aromanian PEN Centre shall pay annually to International PEN dues at the rate decided by the Assembly of Delegates.
Article 5 Resignation of Aromanian PEN Centre
(a) The Assembly of Aromanian PEN Centre or President of Aromanian PEN Centre, or Secretary General of Aromanian PEN Centre may declare in any one of the following cases that Aromanian PEN Centre is to be considered dormant:
(i) if receives a written resignations signed by all officers or acting officers of Aromanian PEN Centre;
(ii) if its membership falls below 20.
Article 6 Annual Assembly and Meetings
(a) Aromanian PEN Centre shall hold an annual Assembly open to members of Aromanian PEN Centre and to their guests, during which sessions of the Assembly must take place, as well as literary discussions and social activities.
(b) Aromanian PEN Centre and its standing committees may hold periodic conferences and meetings.
Article 7 Assembly
(a) The Assembly shall be the legislative body of Aromanian PEN.
(b) The Assembly shall consist of:
(i) Vice-Presidents from each country: Albania, Greece, N. Macedonia, Bulgaria, Rumania, Serbia (Serbian Vice-President is, for the time being, representing Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro);
(ii) Officers from each country, as set out in Article 14;
(iii) (ex officio) the President, Secretary General or Treasurer of Aromanian PEN Centre;
(iv) one representative of any duly appointed committee;
(v) Special Committee of Advisers of Aromanian PEN Centre.
(c) Members of the Assembly of Delegates and of any committee shall not be paid for services rendered to Aromanian PEN. Salaries and fees, however, may be paid to ex officio members.
(d) The Assembly of Delegates shall meet annually during the Aromanian PEN Assembly. The Assembly of Delegates may also be convened at any other time upon the decision of the Board or at the written request of no fewer than 20 members of Aromanian PEN.
(e) Members of the Assembly other than ex officio members, Vice-Presidents and Delegates of countries shall not vote.
Article 8 Responsibilities of the Assembly
The Assembly will be responsible for:
(a) admitting new members, suspending and excluding members;
(b) electing a special Committee on Searches to facilitate the bringing forward of candidates for the offices of President, Secretary General, Treasurer, or member at large of the Board, in accordance with Article 10;
(c) electing the Officers of Aromanian PEN;
(d) approving, upon the recommendation of the Board, Treasurer and Advisers, the budget of Aromanian PEN;
(e) approving, upon the recommendation of the Board, the appointments of Advisers;
(f) voting on resolutions duly submitted to it;
(g) deciding on the location of next Assembly;
(h) considering and discussing any other matter concerning Aromanian PEN.
Article 9 Resolutions
(a) Resolutions of the Assembly shall be submitted and voted on in accordance with the provisions of Rules 7, 9, 11 and 17 of the Rules of Procedure.
(b) Resolutions to amend these Regulations or the PEN Charter shall require a two-thirds majority to be adopted and a recorded vote shall be taken. In-session resolutions require a two-thirds majority to be adopted. Regular resolutions may be passed by a simple majority.
(c) Resolutions duly adopted at an Assembly amending the Charter or the Regulations or the Rules of Procedure of Aromanian PEN shall become effective upon notification to members from all countries (Albania, Greece, N. Macedonia, Bulgaria, Rumania, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro) by the Secretary General.
(d) All other resolutions shall take effect immediately upon their adoption.
Article 10 Committees
(a) The Assembly may, without prejudice to its own responsibilities, appoint or elect a standing committee, a special committee, an ad hoc committee or a temporary committee to consider or to submit a report on any matter relevant to the purposes of Aromanian PEN.
(b) The committees shall be formed and shall function in accordance with the provisions of Rule 22 of the Rules of Procedure.
(c) There shall be constituted under this Article a special committee known as the Advisers of Aromanian PEN, which shall consist of not more than fourteen (14) persons possessing useful knowledge, background or skills and an interest in and commitment to the objects, purposes and programmes of Aromanian PEN. Trustees may but need not necessarily be members of Aromanian PEN.
(i) The purpose of the Trustees of Aromanian PEN shall be to support the advancement of the objects, purposes and programmes of Aromanian PEN and in particular to assist and advise the Board in the development of ways, means and resources for the work of the organization;
(ii) Trustees shall be appointed by the Assembly for three-year terms upon the nomination of the Board and shall be eligible for re-election;
(iii) The Trustees shall meet jointly with the Board at least once annually, and shall regularly receive all Board documents relevant to the purposes of the Trustees, including agendas and Board minutes;
(iv) The Trustees shall nominate a chairperson from among their members and propose his or her appointment to the Assembly of Aromanian PEN;
(v) The chairperson of the Trustees may serve a maximum of six years in the post;
(vi) The Secretary General, the Treasurer and the Executive Director shall be ex officio members of the Trustees and shall participate, without the right to vote, in their meetings. The Executive Director shall be ex officio Secretary of the Trustees.
(d) There shall be constituted under this Article a special Committee, known as the Committee on Searches, to facilitate the bringing forward of potential candidates for the offices of President of Aromanian PEN, Treasurer, Secretary, and members at large of the Board. The Committee on Searches shall:
(i) consist of five past or current delegates who shall be elected by the Assembly for three-year terms;
(ii) consult as necessary among themselves and with the Centres between meetings of the Assembly to identify appropriate candidates in accordance with Articles 17, 21, 24 and
Article 11 Voting
(a) Each Vice-President, country representative shall have one vote at the Assembly. Members of the Assembly other than Delegates of countries (Vice-Presidents) shall not vote.
(b) Voting by postal ballot may take place according to the conditions laid down in Rule 10 of the Rules of Procedure.
(c) A Office of one Vice-President may authorize another Office of Vice-President to vote for it by proxy according to Rule 11 of the Rules of Procedure. No country representative shall be allowed to act as proxy for more than four countries.
Article 12 Attendance at the Assembly
(a) The two Delegates from Office of Vice-President attending the Assembly shall be members of that Office appointed to represent it officially at that meeting.
(b) Meetings of the Assembly shall be open to all members of PEN, who shall have the right to attend as observers only, unless, on a two-thirds majority vote, the Assembly shall resolve that any meeting or part thereof shall be held in camera, when no unauthorized person shall be present.
(c) Guests and observers may be invited under the conditions laid down in the Rules of Procedure.
Article 13 Rules of Procedure
(a) The sessions of the Assembly shall be conducted in accordance with the Rules of Procedure appended to these Regulations.
(b) The Rules of Procedure shall be adopted and may be amended by the Assembly. Any such amendment shall be submitted as a regular resolution in accordance with Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure.
Article 14 Host Office
(a) Each Congress or Conference may be convened under the auspices of one or more Offices of President or Vice-President, and Conferences may be convened under the auspices of a standing committee.
(b) The Host Office shall provide the services necessary for the conduct of a Congress or a Conference, as specified in Rule 21 of the Rules of Procedure.
Article 15 Officers of Aromanian PEN
(a) Aromanian PEN shall have the following officers: (i) Aromanian PEN Centre President;
(ii) Members of honour categories of Aromanian PEN (Presidents Emeritus and Vice-Presidents, responsible for countries: Albania, Greece, N. Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia – which will represent for time being Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro);
(iii) Secretary General;
(iv) Treasurer;
(v) Members at large of the Board;
(vi) Chairpersons of the standing and special committees.
(b) Officers may not vote unless they are also official delegates when they may vote in that capacity.
(c) Any officer may resign at any time by delivering a written notice of resignation to the President or Secretary General. Any officer may be removed at any time by majority vote of the Board. In the event of any such resignation or removal, or in the event of the inability to act of any officer, the Board may designate another person to carry out that officer’s functions until the election of a successor by the Assembly, and the Secretariat shall notify the Committee on Searches to undertake a search for a candidate or candidates for such position.
Section A
The President shall be a member of PEN and a distinguished writer of international literary reputation.
Article 16 Election of the President
(a) Candidates for the office of President shall be nominated by at least three countries, and shall be elected at an Assembly of Delegates in accordance with the provisions laid down in Rule 12 of the Rules of Procedure.
(b) The President shall be elected for a term of three years and shall be eligible for re-election for one further term of three years.
(c) A newly elected President shall assume his or her duties immediately following the conclusion of the Assembly at which he or she is elected.
Article 17 Responsibilities of the President
The President shall:
(a) serve as the public representative of the organization;
(b) represent Aromanian PEN at appropriate public meetings, conferences and events; and
(c) contribute via the Board to key policy initiatives. The International President may at discretion:
(d) serve as Chairperson of the Assembly of Delegates and of the Board; and
(e) attend the meetings of all standing committees.
Section B
Every member of the honour categories of Aromanian PEN shall be a highly respected writer who subscribes to the principles enunciated in the Charter.
Article 18 Election to honour categories
(a) Category I, Presidents Emeritus. Every person who has held the position of President of Aromanian PEN shall belong for life to a special honour category called Presidents Emeritus.
(b) Category II, Vice-Presidents. This category shall consist of members from: Albania, Greece, N. Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia (Serbian Vice-President for time being represents members from Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro). Each Vice-President shall serve a term of three years. A Vice-President on completion of the term of service may be nominated as a candidate to serve one further term.
(i) For services to PEN: A member of Aromanian PEN who has with great distinction served the organisation, may be elected a Vice-President for Service to Aromanian PEN. The number of Vice-Presidents for Service to International PEN shall not exceed
(ii) For achievement in Literature: A writer of international distinction, who need not be a member before election, may be elected a Vice-President of International PEN for Services to Literature. The number of Vice-Presidents for Services to Literature may not exceed nine.
An individual may belong to only one of the Honour categories, and may only once be a candidate for entry to the category of Vice-President. A candidate shall be nominated by at least three Offices of Vice-President, and the candidacy must be approved by majority agreement of the Board. Their election shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions laid down in Rule 13 of the Rules of Procedure.
Article 19 Responsibilities of Members of the Honour Categories
Members of honour categories may attend Congresses and participate in the Assembly of Delegates, and shall perform such duties and carry out such responsibilities as may be requested by the Board or the International President.
Section C
Article 20 Election of the Treasurer
The Treasurer may be nominated by any Office of Vice-President, and shall be elected by the Assembly in accordance with the provisions laid down in Rule 14 of the Rules of Procedure. The Treasurer is elected for a term of three years, and shall be eligible for re-election.
Article 21 Responsibilities of the Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
(a) prepare and submit an annual budget to the Assembly of Delegates in consultation with the Secretary General and the Board and Advisers;
(b) be responsible for the funds of Aromanian PEN, collect annual dues from the members and advise the Assembly of those whose dues are in arrears for more than two years;
(c) be responsible for ensuring that the accounts of Aromanian PEN are properly and accurately prepared and audited on a regular basis;
(d) report twice a year to the Board and Advisers and annually to the Assembly of Delegates;
(e) appears on behalf of the Aromanian PEN in domestic and international competitions for the allocation of funds to institutions dealing with culture.
Section D
Article 22 Board and Its Composition
(a) The Board shall consist of the President, the Secretary General, the Treasurer, and seven members at large elected by the Assembly.
(b) The Board shall elect among its members at large a Deputy Chairperson.
(c) The Executive Director shall be ex-officio Secretary of the Board and shall participate, without the right to vote, in its meetings.
(d) The chairpersons of the standing and special committees may attend regular meetings of the Board and shall receive all relevant Board documents, including agendas and minutes.
(e) As specified in Article 16 of these Regulations, members of the Board, whether members at large or members ex officio, are Officers of Aromanian PEN and may not vote in sessions of the Assembly unless they are also official delegates when they may vote in that capacity.
(f) If its finances permitting, Aromanian PEN will bear the costs of maintaining the Board and its meetings.
(g) The term of appointment of any of the President, Secretary General and Treasurer shall not be co-terminous with that of any other.
Elections for these offices shall be staggered so that in any one year, there shall be an election for only one of the President, Secretary General and Treasurer.
Article 23 Election of Members At Large of the Board
(a) Candidates for the Board shall be nominated by at least two Offices of Vice-Presidents and shall be elected by the Assembly in accordance with the provisions laid down in Rule 15 of the Rules of Procedure;
(b) Members of the Board shall be elected for a period of three years and shall be eligible for re-election for one further term.
(c) The election of members at large is staggered. Two (2) members shall be elected every other year, and three (3) members shall be elected in the intervening year, according to the expiry of their terms.
(d) At the election for the Board each Office of Vice-President may vote for as many candidates from the list of nominations as there are vacancies on the Board.
(e) If a member becomes unable to serve, the Committee on Searches shall facilitate the bringing forward of a candidate or candidates for election at the forthcoming Assembly to serve for the remainder of the term.
Article 23 bis Transitional Procedure for the Election of Members at Large of the Board on a Three-Year Cycle
To enable the Board to effect a transition to the three-year electoral cycle prescribed by Article 23:
(a) At the next election following enactment of this Article 24bis, the member at large securing the highest number of votes shall be elected to a term of three years and the two others to a term of two years.
(b) At the second election following enactment of this Article 24bis, the two members securing the highest number of votes shall be elected to a term of three years and the two others to a term of two years.
Article 24 Responsibilities of the Board
The Board shall implement the decisions of the Assembly, act on its behalf and oversee the affairs of Aromanian PEN in between sessions of the Assembly. Acting in coordination with the Secretariat, it will:
(a) take such initiatives and action as is necessary to promote Aromanian PEN and its aims and develop the organization in accordance with the guidelines established by the Assembly;
(b) in consultation with the Advisers examine and monitor the financial situation of Aromanian PEN;
(c) receive from the Treasurer and review the annual budget in consultation with the Advisers and present its recommendations to the Assembly;
(d) take initiatives together with the Advisers of PEN to raise funds for the activities of PEN;
(e) whenever necessary and in accordance with Article 11, conduct searches for candidates for Advisers and present them to the Assembly of Delegates as prescribed in these Regulations;
(f) whenever necessary and in accordance with Article 11, take steps to facilitate the bringing forward of candidates to the Committee on Searches;
(g) review and make recommendations to the Assembly regarding actions permitted under these Regulations in relation to membership;
(h) encourage members to propose the themes and sites of Congresses, conferences and regional meetings, and oversee the preparation by the Executive Director of the agenda of the Assembly; and
(i) report to the members once a year.
Article 25 Meetings of the Board
The Board shall meet during each Congress, at least once annually with the Advisers of PEN, and at such other times as may be decided by the Board.
Article 26 Standing Orders
The Board shall adopt Standing Orders regulating its working methods and shall report them to the Assembly.
Section E
The Secretary General may but need not necessarily be a member of PEN.
Article 27 Election of the Secretary General
(a) Whenever necessary, the Committee on Searches shall initiate a search for one or more suitable candidates for the position of Secretary General. The Committee shall draw up the terms of reference for the position in accordance with Article 29 of these Regulations.
(b) Candidates may be proposed to the Committee by members of Aromanian PEN.
(c) The Committee shall screen the candidate or candidates according to the terms of reference, and shall present them to the Assembly for election.
(d) The Secretary General shall be elected by the Assembly, in accordance with the provisions of Rule 16 of the Rules of Procedure, for a term of six years and may be eligible for re-election under clauses (b) and (c) of this Article for one further term of six years.
(e) Following the election of the Secretary General, the Board shall draw up an agreement specifying any compensation and other conditions of office.
(f) The Secretary General may not serve concurrently as an officer of any Centre.
Article 28 Duties of the Secretary General
The Secretary General: supervises the Executive Director, oversees the work of the Secretariat, and through the Secretariat, is responsible for the day-to-day business of Aromanian PEN. Subject to the control of the Board, the Secretary General, shall:
(a) act as Secretary of the Assembly;
(b) report regularly to the Board between its meetings;
(c) maintain regular contact with all Offices of Vice-Presidents and Committees;
(d) represent Aromanian PEN as appropriate;
(e) perform other tasks as agreed by the Board.
Article 29 Secretariat
(a) The Secretariat shall be under the supervision of the Executive Director, who shall be the chief administrative officer of Aromanian PEN, retained by and subject to the control of the Board acting through its chair.
(b) The Executive Director shall:
(i) act as Secretary to the Board;
(ii) maintain regular contact with all Offices of Vice-Presidents and committees;
(iii) take the necessary measures for the staffing of the Secretariat; and
(iv) perform other tasks as directed by the Secretary General.
Article 30 Languages
(a) Aromanian, Serbo-Croatian, Macedonian, Albanian, Greek, Bulgarian, Romanian are the working languages of Aromanian PEN. The interpreting and translation of its working languages are a priority of Aromanian PEN.
(b) Other languages may be used during Aromanian PEN meetings on the conditions laid down in Rule 19 of the Rules of Procedure.
(c) Circulation of documents in the working languages shall be arranged by the Secretariat.
Article 31 Winding-Up of Aromanian PEN
On a winding-up of Aromanian PEN any excess of assets over liabilities shall be paid to PEN International, or any successor organization, failing which to any international organization whose aims and objects are not inconsistent with the PEN Charter.
Rule 1 Convening of the Assembly
A communication convening the Assembly, together with the draft agenda, shall be addressed by the Secretary General to all members not later than six weeks before the date of the opening of the Assembly.
Rule 2 Agenda of the Assembly
(a) The Secretary General shall prepare the draft agenda of each Assembly and shall submit it for the approval of the Board.
(b) The draft agenda shall be sent to all members in accordance with Rule 1 of these Rules of Procedure.
(c) The agenda of the Assembly shall contain the following items:
(i) the report of the Board;
(ii) the Treasurer’s report on the finances of Aromanian PEN, as well as the budget of Aromanian PEN for the following year;
(iii) the Secretary General’s report on Aromanian PEN’s activities, which shall include an itemised account of any pending business relating to the previous resolutions of the
(iv) other items as deemed necessary.
Rule 3 Chairperson of the Assembly
The President shall serve as Chairperson of the Assembly, or may delegate this responsibility.
Rule 4 Rights and Duties of the Chairperson
(a) The Chairperson shall:
(i) declare the opening and closure of each meeting;
(ii) before proceeding to the agenda, bring before the Assembly any communication which in his or her opinion may immediately concern it;
(iii) appoint two scrutineers to assist the Secretary General in the conduct of the voting;
(iv) direct the discussions, maintain order, ensure the observance of the Regulations and of the Rules of Procedure by such means as circumstances may demand,
accord or withdraw the right to address the Assembly and put motions, resolutions and amendments to the vote;
(b) The Chairperson shall not vote.
(c) In the absence of both the Chairperson or his or her delegate during a meeting or any part thereof, the Assembly shall choose an Acting Chairperson who, until the Chairperson or his or her delegate resumes the Chair, shall have the same rights and duties as the Chairperson.
Rule 5 The Conduct of the Assembly
(a) No one shall address a meeting except by permission of the Chairperson.
(b) The Chairperson may exercise discretion in selecting the order of speakers.
(c) No one shall be entitled to speak more than once upon the same motion, resolution or amendment, without the Chairperson’s dispensation, save the proposer who shall be entitled to speak twice unless the Chairperson shall first have declared the discussion closed.
(d) The Chairperson may require a speaker to resume his seat or withdraw from the meeting.
(e) A point of order shall be decided immediately by the Chairperson.
(f) Except with the consent of the Chairperson, no speech shall exceed five minutes.
(g) The Secretary General, together with the two scrutineers appointed by the Chairperson, shall supervise the voting.
Rule 6 Quorum
At every meeting of the Assembly the quorum shall consist of Delegates, as specified in Article 8 (b) (i) of the Regulations, from no fewer than 20 members.
Rule 7 Resolutions and Recommendations
(a) There shall be three categories of substantive decisions, namely Amending Resolutions concerning the Charter and Regulations; Resolutions, regular or in-session, pertaining to public affairs or to the Rules of Procedure; and Recommendations, regular or in-session, directed at the Board.
(i) Amending Resolutions. These are resolutions to amend the PEN Charter or the Regulations, and shall be treated in accordance with Article 10 (b) of the Regulations and Rule 17 of these Rules of Procedure;
(ii) Regular Resolutions and Recommendations. These shall be submitted in writing in one or more of the working languages to the Secretary General not less than 10 weeks before a session of the Assembly. They may be submitted by a member, by an Officer or by the Board. The Executive Director shall circulate them to members as soon as practicable before the opening of the Assembly. Regular resolutions shall be voted on in accordance with Article 10 (b) of the Regulations and Rule 9 (d) and may be passed by a simple majority.
(iii) In-session Resolutions and Recommendations. These are resolutions and recommendations on matters that have arisen during the period of 10 weeks before a session of the Assembly of Delegates or during such a session. They shall be submitted in writing in one or more of the working languages, and may be submitted by a member, by an Officer or by the Board. If submitted in advance of the session, the Executive Director shall circulate them as soon as practicable to all members. If submitted during the session, the proposers shall be responsible for circulating them to all Centres represented at the session. In-session resolutions shall be voted on in accordance with Article 10 (b) of the Regulations and Rule 17 of these Rules of Procedure.
(b) The Secretariat shall, in consultation with the chairpersons of the standing committees where relevant and whoever else may be appropriate, be responsible for ensuring as far as possible that Resolutions which are relatively similar are merged and that those which are clearly outside the competence of International PEN are deleted from the agenda.
(c) Every resolution and amendment must be proposed and seconded by members of the Assembly before it is discussed or voted upon.
(d) If there are several amendments to a resolution, the Chairperson shall decide the order in which they will be discussed and put to the vote.
(e) If a resolution is amended as a result of a vote or votes, that resolution as amended shall be put to the Assembly of Delegates for a final vote.
(f) Any resolution or part of a resolution or amendment may be withdrawn by the member which proposed it at any time before it is put to the vote, but upon such withdrawal it may without previous notice be proposed anew, if also seconded, by any other member.
Rule 8 Motions
(a) Motions concerning procedure may be made orally by any member of the Assembly without previous notice and such motions may include:
(i) a motion to refer a matter back;
(ii) a motion to postpone consideration of a matter in question;
(iii) a motion to adjourn the meeting;
(iv) a motion to adjourn the discussion on a particular question;
(v) a motion that the Assembly of Delegates proceed with the next item on its agenda.
(b) Any Officer or delegate may move the closure of a discussion either on a particular resolution or amendment or on a general question. The decision on such motions shall be taken in accordance with the following provisions:
(i) the Chairperson shall put a motion for closure to the vote if it is supported by at least 6 delegates.
(ii) the Chairperson may give permission to speak against a motion for closure.
(iii) no speaker shall be entitled to speak on a motion for closure for more than three minutes.
(iv) after a motion for closure of a discussion on a particular resolution or amendment has been carried the Chairperson shall immediately put such resolution or amendment to the vote.
Rule 9 Voting Procedure
(a) Each member, through its official delegates, is entitled to one vote only, which may be cast subject to the provisions of Rule 10 on postal ballots.
(b) At the discretion of the Chairperson, a vote by show of hands of the whole Assembly may be taken on motions as to procedure and on questions affecting the conduct of the proceedings and the convenience of members, e.g. time and place of meetings.
(c) The Assembly of Delegates shall vote by a show of hands except where the Regulations or these Rules require that a recorded vote be taken or that voting shall be by secret ballot. Postal votes received by the Secretariat in accordance with Rule 10 shall be included in the votes.
(d) Votes by a show of hands shall be counted by the Secretary General and appointed scrutineers and announced by the Secretary General. Where a clear majority vote by a show of hands is established, the Chair may declare a proposal as accepted or rejected with such a show, unless a count is requested by a Delegate.
(e) A recorded vote shall be taken in the case of Resolutions to amend the Regulations or Charter. A recorded vote is one in which each members vote or its decision to abstain is declared.
(f) A recorded vote shall also be taken on any other question at the request, on a show of hands, of at least 5 delegates entitled to a vote.
(g) The delegate who proposes the resolution for which a recorded vote will be taken shall be the first to vote and the order of voting shall follow the Latin alphabetical order by surnames of members.
(h) A full note of a recorded vote shall be written down by the Secretariat and the itemised result announced by the Chairperson.
(i) The Secretary General, together with the two appointed scrutineers, shall provide for the administration of any secret ballot so as to ensure its confidentiality and the authenticity of all votes cast.
(j) A two-thirds majority shall mean two-thirds of the total votes cast for or against a resolution or recommendation.
(k) In case of a tied vote the resolution shall be put to a second vote, and if the second vote is also tied it shall be considered to have failed.
Rule 10 Postal ballot
(a) Each member may cast a ballot by post in the elections of the President (Rule 12), Honorary Members (Rule 13), the Treasurer (Rule 14), Members of the Board (Rule 15) and the Secretary General (Rule 16). Such ballots shall be addressed by post or by email to the Executive Director and must reach the Secretariat not later than one week before the opening of the Assembly of Delegates.
(b) The postal ballot may nevertheless be replaced by a vote cast by the delegate of the Centre concerned during the Assembly.
Rule 11 Proxy vote
Any proxy votes, as described in Article 12 (c) of the Regulations, shall be counted after the vote by show of hands and added to its total. In the case of secret and recorded votes the proxy votes shall be annotated and cast by the Secretariat or Offices of Vice-Presidents.
Rule 12 Election of the President
(a) The Executive Director shall notify all members of a presidential election not less than six months in advance of the proposed date of election.
(b) Nominations shall, as described in Article 17 (a) of the Regulations, be submitted to the Secretariat not less than three months in advance of the proposed date of election, or such shorter period as the Board may decide. Nominations shall include a letter signed by the candidate agreeing to stand for election, a biography and a statement of intent.
(c) The Executive Director shall distribute to all members as soon as possible, but not later than 9 weeks before the date of election, the names, biographies and statements of intent of all candidates for President.
(d) Unless otherwise decided by the Assembly, the election shall be held by secret ballot at a meeting of the Assembly. Each member entitled to vote shall receive an official ballot at least six weeks before the date of election. Ballots may be brought to the meeting by delegates or submitted by post or by mail to reach the Secretariat not later than one week before the election.
(e) The candidate receiving an absolute majority of the votes cast shall be elected President. (f) If no candidate receives an absolute majority of the votes cast, a second ballot shall take place during the Assembly among delegates present and entitled to vote, to decide between the two candidates who received the highest number of votes in the first ballot. Should the two candidates receive the same number of votes in the second ballot, lots shall be drawn.
Rule 13 Election of Vice-Presidents
(a) Nominations as Vice President shall, as described in Article 19 (b) of the Regulations, be submitted to the Secretariat not less than three months in advance of the proposed date of election, or such shorter period as the Board may decide. Nominations shall include a short explanatory note about the candidate and the reasons for his or her nomination. Any announcement making public the names of candidates whose nominations are not approved by the Board, as required under Article 19 (b) of the Regulations, rests with the discretion of the Board.
(b) The Executive Director shall inform all members as soon as possible, but not later than 9 weeks before the date of election, of such candidates as have the support of the Board, and shall circulate the notes mentioned in paragraph (a)
(c) The election shall be held by secret ballot at a meeting of the Assembly. Each member entitled to vote shall receive an official ballot at least six weeks before the date of election. Ballots may be brought to the meeting by delegates or submitted by post, e.mail or fax to reach the Secretariat not later than one week before the election.
To be elected the candidate must receive a majority which is not less than two-thirds of the total votes cast.
Rule 14 Election of the Treasurer
(a) The Executive Director shall notify all members of an election for the office of Treasurer not less than six months in advance of the proposed date of election.
(b) Nominations, as described in Article 21 (a) of the Regulations, shall be submitted to the Secretariat not less than three months in advance of the proposed date of election, or such shorter period as the Board may decide. Nominations shall include a letter signed by the candidate agreeing to stand for election and a biography.
(c) The Executive Director shall distribute to all Centres as soon as possible, but not later than 9 weeks before the date of election, the names and biographies of all candidates for Treasurer.
(d) Unless otherwise decided by the Assembly of Delegates, the election shall be held by secret ballot at a meeting of the Assembly. Each member entitled to vote shall receive an official ballot at least six weeks before the date of election. Ballots may be brought to the meeting by delegates or submitted by post or by mail to reach the Secretariat not later than one week before the election.
(e) The candidate for whom the highest number of votes is cast shall be elected.
Rule 15 Election of Members at Large of the Board
(a) The Executive Director shall notify all members of PEN of an election of members at large of the Board not less than six months in advance of the proposed date of election.
(b) Nominations, as described in Article 24 (a) of the Regulations, shall be submitted to the Secretariat not less than three months in advance of the proposed date of election, or such shorter period as the Board may decide. Nominations shall include a letter signed by the candidate agreeing to stand for election and a biography.
(c) The Executive Director shall distribute to all Centres as soon as possible, but not later than 9 weeks before the date of election, the names and biographies of all candidates for the membership of the Board.
(d) Voting shall be by secret ballot. Each Centre entitled to vote shall receive an official ballot at least six weeks before the date of election. Ballots may be brought to the meeting by delegates or submitted by post or by fax to reach the Secretariat not later than one week before the election.
(e) The candidates receiving the highest number of votes cast shall be elected, up to the number of seats to be filled. In case of a tie between two candidates for the last place, a ballot shall be held between them during the Assembly among delegates present and entitled to vote.
Rule 16 Election of the Secretary General
(a) The Executive Director shall notify all Centres of the election of an Secretary General not less than six months in advance of the proposed date of election.
(b) The Executive Director shall distribute to all Centres as soon as possible, but not later than 9 weeks before the date of election, the names and curricula vitae of all candidates for Secretary General.
(c) Unless otherwise decided by the Assembly, the election shall be held by secret ballot at a meeting of the Assembly. Each member entitled to vote shall receive an official ballot at least 6 weeks before the date of election. Ballots may be brought to the meeting by Delegates or submitted by post or by fax to reach the Secretariat not later than one week before the election.
(d) The candidate for whom the highest number of votes is cast shall be elected.
Rule 17 Languages
(a) The working languages of Aromanian PEN shall be used at all meetings of the Assembly, as well as the language of the Host Centre, if different.
(b) At all meetings of the Assembly of Delegates the Host Centre shall arrange for simultaneous interpretation in the working languages.
(c) At the request of any member offering to pay the extra cost the Host Centre shall, if practicable, also provide simultaneous interpretation into and from that Centre’s language.
(d) At the discretion of the Chairperson a language other than those referred to in sub-paragraphs (a) and (c) of this Rule may be used by a Delegate who provides at his expense a summarised translation of his speech in one of the working languages.
Rule 18 Guests and observers
(a) Only members of PEN have the right, in accordance with Article 13 of the Regulations, to attend meetings of the Assembly.
(b) At the discretion of the Host Centre, members may bring guests to any Congress or Conference, who shall not be entitled to attend any meetings of the Assembly or meetings of any Aromanian PEN Committee.
(c) The Host Centre has the right to request the President and the Secretary General to invite eminent writers to attend a Congress or Conference as Guests of Honour at the Host Centre’s expense.
(d) The Host Centre may, in consultation with the President or the Board, invite observers who are not members of PEN to any Congress or Conference. The Chairperson may allow such observers to attend any meeting.
(e) The President, in consultation with the Board, may invite to any Congress or Conference guests and observers who are not members of PEN.
Rule 19 Services Provided by the Host Centre
(a) The Host Centre shall be responsible inter alia to the Secretariat for:
(i) distributing to delegates all Congress and Conference documents;
(ii) the provision of photocopying as well as access to a telephone and a mail;
(iii) recordings of all proceedings of the Assembly to be delivered promptly to the Executive Director;
(iv) the provision of simultaneous interpretation of all proceedings of the Assembly of Delegates in accordance with Rule 19.
(b) The Host Centre shall meet such other expenses.
Rule 20 Committees
(a) Committees, as laid down in Article 11 of the Regulations, may be:
(i) a standing committee or a special committee, which shall be one established as a permanent committee of Aromanian PEN, and which may be constituted by members;
(ii) an ad hoc committee, which shall be one established for a particular, limited, purpose and shall exist only until that purpose is fulfilled, and which shall be constituted only by individuals.
(iii) a temporary committee, which shall be one established for a particular limited purpose for the duration of the Assembly only, and which shall be constituted by members. (b) The Assembly shall, at the time of election or appointment of any committee, specify how the committee shall be funded and what shall be its membership and terms of reference.
(c) Each committee shall nominate its chairperson from amongst its members and propose their appointment to the Assembly.
(d) A Office of Vice-President serving as a member of a committee shall be represented at any time by one member of that Office designated by the Office for the purpose.
(e) Minutes shall be kept of all meetings of every committee.
(f) The Chairperson or some other member of a committee shall either submit to the Board a written report on its activities and recommendations since the previous session of the Assembly or may report to the Assembly at the subsequent session of the Assembly.
(g) A committee may consult members of PEN who are not members of the committee on any matter under consideration.
Rule 21 Entry into Force and Amendments
(a) These Rules of Procedure shall enter into force and may be amended in accordance with Articles 10 and 14 of the Regulations.
(b) In case of any discrepancy between the Regulations and the Rules of Procedure, the Regulations shall be followed.
(c) A resolution shall be drafted in a working language of Aromanian PEN. The wording of any amendment to the resolution must be authorised in that language. At every stage, the wording in that language shall be considered the authoritative version from which translations are made into other working languages of PEN.
The Founding Assembly is held on September 10th 2021, during the Days of Aromanian Literature, in the Art Department of the Belgrade City Library.
Following writers signed PEN Charter, Constitution and Rules and Regulations of Aromanian PEN:
Sonja Ćirić (Serbia)
Lila Cona (Serbia)
Šimon Đarmati (Serbia)
Santa al Djika (N. Macedonia)
Vangjel Dunovski (N. Macedonia)
Vanghiu Dzega (N. Macedonia-Italy)
Alexandru Gica (Romania)
Kristo Goci (Albania)
Dušan Gojkov (Serbia-Greece)
Kira Iorgoveanu-Mantsu (Romania-Germany)
Nikolai Kurkchiev (Bulgaria)
Jana Mihailova (N. Macedonia)
Mirela Musha (Albania-Greece)
Zorica Milošević Cincarka (Serbia)
Marija Nikolova (N. Macedonia)
Tomislav Osmanli (N. Macedonia)
Nebojša Ozimić (Serbia)
Srđan Sekulić (Serbia)
Custandin Dini Trandu (Romania-USA)
Cristina Passima Trifon (Romania-France)
Nicolas Trifon (Romania-France)
Sofie Jorgji Zguri (Albania)